Dear Friends: Tom Schmitt, Senior Warden

Dear brothers and sisters,

The opening letter for our last Stewardship season included a line from the old Gospel song, “Count your blessings, name them one by one; Count your many blessings, see what God hath done.”

This time around, we have even more blessings to be thankful for. We have a new vibrant Priest-in-Charge to lead us, and the new Parish Hall construction is ongoing with the steel portion of the structure to be started in the coming weeks. Now is the time to give thanks to God and to give our support to St. Luke’s in the mission of the Church at large “to restore all people to unity with God and each other with Christ” (BCP, 855).

Thank you and God bless you.


Tom Schmitt, Senior Warden



Dear St. Luke’s family, The Rev. J. Ignacio Gama, Priest-in-Charge

My first opportunity to celebrate and preach at St. Luke’s as your new priest was Trinity Sunday. It now has been a little over three months since that joyous day, but I believe the message we explored then is central to our parish: to live by faith in the Triune God is to participate in the outpouring of love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As the testimonies of countless saints, missionaries, and evangelists throughout history show us, the Church prevails and thrives when men and women are rooted in the Gospel and allow themselves to be fully defined and transformed by it.

The theme of our stewardship season this year is “Rekindle the Gift of God.” This is a direct quote from St. Paul who, towards the end of his life, writes to Timothy, his “son in the faith.” The gift he refers to is the Holy Spirit, whom Timothy and all Christians have received. In the sacrament of Confirmation we are sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and bound to God’s service. And this time of year allows us the chance to recognize, value, and revitalize this gift in our own lives.

St. Luke’s is a church with many opportunities to foster and strengthen a relationship with our Lord. Through our Sunday Eucharist, formation series, missions, and the variety of ministries which we lead and support, we are all invited to experience and share the goodness, truth, and beauty of Almighty God. This is why we view stewardship not only as a monetary contribution, but rather, as that all-encompassing directing of our hearts towards Him.

Our parish was built and continues to be built on your generous and sacrificial giving, and I hope that you will prayerfully consider offering a pledge this year. I am confident that together we can meet the many needs of our church, especially as we move into a new chapter. With God’s help, our Parish Hall will be completed within the next few months and our music ministry continues to grow. Also, we are excited by the prospect of calling a Parish Life Coordinator to support us in building programs for parishioners of all ages. Any increase in your gift, however small, can help make this happen.

During the next few weeks, I invite you to pray for St. Luke’s, for a renewed sense of faith and devotion in each and everyone of us, so that we can more deeply live out our calling as Christ’s witnesses. Thank you so much for everything that you have done and continue to do to serve God and our brothers and sisters in our church family and beyond, and for all the exciting things which you make possible through your gifts.

Yours in Christ,


The Rev. J. Ignacio Gama, Priest-in-Charge


Living Tradition

As a congregation in the Episcopal Church, we are grounded in the rituals and rhythms of Anglican worship. Our liturgies, especially the Eucharist, connect us to the beliefs and practices of Christian men and women of every age, a reality which is both inspiring and humbling. When we come to God’s altar, we do not reenact the past but actively participate in the Supper of the Lamb—Christ’s own sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins. In other words, the liturgy is ancient but always new.

As Christians, we are all called to participate in the Eucharist on the Lord’s Day, and at St. Luke’s there are many opportunities to serve that are essential to our sacramental life: Altar Guild, Acolytes, Chalice Bearers, Lectors, Ushers, Hospitality volunteers, and Lay Eucharistic Ministers, among others.

Living Tradition

Rooted in the Word

Throughout its history the Anglican tradition has held that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God and contain all things necessary for salvation. For us, the Bible is not only the most important authority in the Christian life, but also a source of great joy, comfort, and strength.

At St. Luke’s, attentive and thoughtful engagement with Holy Scripture is a priority. The Letter to the Hebrews tells us that the Word of God is “living and active,” and our Bible Study and Sunday Formation series explore the ways in which it encourages, challenges, and changes us in the different aspects of life.

In Dallas

St. Luke’s is a community In DallasSt. Luke’s is a community that seeks to put into practice the words of our Lord Jesus Christ exhorting us to minister to the hungry, the needy, and the lonely. We believe that faithful worship of God is intrinsically linked to being sent out into our community to love and serve Him in our brothers and sisters.

The Plaid Door, a St. Luke’s institution with a decades-long history, helps the community by selling affordable clothing and home goods, and supports the work of our church and local charities. Other great opportunities to serve include our ministry of Blessing Bags for those experiencing homelessness and job insecurity in our area, our Sandwich Ministry and St. Clare’s Guild in support of the Austin Street Shelter, the Duernberger Memorial Garden, and our collaboration with North Dallas Shared Ministries, among others.

In Christ’s Holy Church

In Christ’s Holy ChurchAt St. Luke’s, we are aware that the Body of Christ is much larger than our church community. As a parish in the Diocese of Dallas, we foster interaction and collaboration with congregations and clergy in our area and beyond, to share the Good News and help the needy in Christ’s name.

St. Luke’s is blessed to have its own Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King, a spiritual sisterhood dedicated to prayer, service, and evangelism. We are in relationship with Gateway of Grace, a ministry in our diocese devoted to refugees, and we participate in other projects such as Camp All Saints and Mission Day.

Equipped for Mission

For over twenty-five years, St. Luke’s has sponsored an annual medical mission to Honduras, in support of the Episcopal Diocese in that country. Our efforts there have also included Christian education and construction projects.

Our mission motto is “Some give by going, some go by giving.” All hands are needed in the early months of the year to pack medication, and volunteers are encouraged to accompany physicians and dentists during the trip in the spring.

Looking towards the Future

As a community of faith, we have much to be thankful for. We are a family that cares for one another in the example of Jesus Christ, and his blessings to us are evident and plentiful. We have a long history of service and fellowship with the community, and the months and years ahead of us present us with great opportunities to continue to grow in our calling to be disciples for the Kingdom.

Looking towards the Future

Our Parish Hall will no doubt open up new and exciting possibilities and, with God’s grace and your generosity, we will be able to welcome children, youth, and families, by offering new programs, spaces, and activities suitable for every age group.

Looking towards the Future

2024 Budgeted Income – $668,084

2024 Budgeted Income

What does a pledge to St. Luke’s mean?

A pledge to St. Luke’s means that you have stated your intention to fulfill a defined, annual monetary gift that supports the operational budget of the church. The church’s budget is based on the financial commitments parishioners make in their pledge. We cannot prepare a budget based on plate offerings.

What does the operational budget of the church support?

The operational budget supports all of St. Luke’s ministries: Pastoral Care, Outreach, Worship & Music, Christian Formation, and Administration (utilities, building & grounds, supplies, staffing).

What percentage of the church’s annual budget is supported by pledges?

More than 50 percent of St. Luke’s operations are supported by pledges. Additional support comes from grants from the St. Luke’s Foundation, rent from Park Cities Day School, contributions from The Plaid Door proceeds, and employee parking revenues from the shopping center.

2024 Budgeted Expenses – $691,860

2024 Budgeted Expenses

How can I make a pledge?

To make a pledge, you can fill out the pledge card that is included with this brochure and mail it back in the enclosed envelope; fill out a pledge card while you are at church; go online to; or you can contact Susie Pepitone at

How do I pay my pledge?

A pledge can be filled at a frequency of your choosing (weekly, monthly, or annually) by check, credit card, or cash. If you have any questions or want to consider another method of payment contact Susie Pepitone at

What happens if the state of my finances changes and I am unable to fulfill my pledge?

If the state of your finances changes, please know that we are grateful for your intentions to support St. Luke’s ministries and as your church we are here for you. Please let us know if you are unable to fulfill your pledge by contacting Susie Pepitone so that we can adjust our budget expectations accordingly. All conversations are confidential.

2 Corinthians 9:7-8

St. Luke's Dallas